Onondaga County Conservative Party
The Conservative Party was formed in 1962 to restore a meaningful choice to the voters of New York State. At that time, the three existing political parties espoused the doctrinaire liberal philosophy of the welfare state at home and the collectivist ideology abroad. In just four short decades, the party has grown from a small band of conservative-minded men and women to a statewide organization dedicated to the traditional American values of individual freedom, individual responsibility, and individual effort.
Your Local Committee Chairperson
County Chairman: Bernard Ment (315)-278-8927 dvrsity646@Gmail.com
Executive Vice Chairman: Robert Graham (315)-436-6863 Rgraham@twcny.rr.com
Secretary: Nancy Roberts (315)-415-0890 nancyc.roberts@gmail.com
Treasurer: Matt Beadnell (315)-729-4717 Matt.j.beadnell@gmail.com
Vice Chair at Large: Rebecca Varga RCSVarga@Gmail.com
Vice Chair at Large: Mary Parrish mpar0262@twcny.rr.comChair
Chair, Syracuse: Michael Hunter​
Chair, Camillus: Susan Vickers Cazlakers21@gmail.com
Chair, Clay: Missi Marzullo (315) 382-1094 marzmissi@gmail.com
Chair, Geddes: Debra Burns (315)-727-7634 tdburns217@verizon.net
Chair, LaFayette: Mary Rose Schnur (315)-289-3543 Maryrose.Schnur@verizon.net
Chair, Lysander: Danny Parrish (315)-678-2886 Jeep4190@twcny.rr.com
Chair, Marcellus: Carolynn Longuil cjlong244@gmail.com
Chair, Onondaga: Bernard Ment
Chair, Spafford: Paul Bertan (315)-487-5303 Paul.Bertan@Verizon.net
Chair, Tully: John Longuil jlong244@twcny.rr.com
Chair, Van Buren: Derry Page (315)-395-3468 dbpage13@gmail.com
If you do not find your town, please contact Onondaga County Chair, Bernard Ment